About The Founder
Rhonda Williams Founder
I am a 10-year, Stage 3 Survivor, wife, mother, and grandmother. I’m a retired military Veteran and the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Thriving and Surviving Breast Cancer Support Group Inc. I was inspired to start this support group after being diagnosed myself, in Aug of 2011. I discovered it when I found a pea size lump under my arm, which later was found to be a swollen lymph node. Shortly after a doctor’s visit, I was informed that it was cancer and that it had spread to my lymph nodes. Devasted, scared, and constantly asking why me, I wasn’t left with many options. Reluctantly, I underwent 3 months of aggressive chemotherapy, 1 year of preventive chemotherapy, oral chemotherapy for 5 years, a double mastectomy, and reconstructive surgery. In the beginning, fear quickly seeped in and my faith was rattled, until one day I decided to no longer be a victim, but to dig deeper in my faith and walk in my victory. I was reminded that nothing is impossible with GOD. I stood, and still stand firmly on Psalms 118:17, “I shall live and not die and declare the works of the LORD.” Once I started speaking those words daily and changed my perspective, miracles happened. I am now cancer-free! I have been blessed to share my story on numerous occasions, such as, at The Dream Center, Pastor William Murphy, at the Clayton County Relay for Life Walk as the guest speaker, at the National Coalition of 100 Black Women of Dekalb County’s Pink Ball, where I was recognized for my community efforts. Also spoke and recognized by the Atlanta Falcons during the Dazzle & Dine Pink Event, as well as, received the “Diamond of Hope” Award from the Atlanta Braves. Received the Community Award from the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority (Phi Tau Omega Chapter) Inc. Pearls of Vision Foundation and was a guest on the WAOK News & Talk Radio station with host Juandolyn Stokes. Shared my story and received the Women’s History Month Award from the Mayor of The City of Stockbridge for touching lives through my organization. I am grateful and pray that I’m blessed to be able to share my story on many more platforms, as I spread a word of Hope to someone who needs to hear it.

In Memory

In memory of my dear sweet mother, Audrey J. Moreland, who always stood by my side from day one of me starting Thriving and Surviving Breast Cancer Support Group Inc. She dropped everything and moved here to support me 10 years ago when I was diagnosed, and remained here until her recent passing in March 2021. She was a pillar of strength as the Vice President of this organization. She was diagnosed in 2018 and was a two-time Breast Cancer Survivor! She was a survivor of many things and a true Warrior until the end. She was relentless in advocating for those in the breast cancer community and for homeless individuals. She was a true servant of GOD and her legacy of giving back will forever live on, through me and this organization.
About The Founder
Rhonda Williams Founder
I am a 10-year, Stage 3 Survivor, wife, mother, and grandmother. I’m a retired military Veteran and the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Thriving and Surviving Breast Cancer Support Group Inc. I was inspired to start this support group after being diagnosed myself, in Aug of 2011. I discovered it when I found a pea size lump under my arm, which later was found to be a swollen lymph node. Shortly after a doctor’s visit, I was informed that it was cancer and that it had spread to my lymph nodes. Devasted, scared, and constantly asking why me, I wasn’t left with many options. Reluctantly, I underwent 3 months of aggressive chemotherapy, 1 year of preventive chemotherapy, oral chemotherapy for 5 years, a double mastectomy, and reconstructive surgery. In the beginning, fear quickly seeped in and my faith was rattled, until one day I decided to no longer be a victim, but to dig deeper in my faith and walk in my victory. I was reminded that nothing is impossible with GOD. I stood, and still stand firmly on Psalms 118:17, “I shall live and not die and declare the works of the LORD.” Once I started speaking those words daily and changed my perspective, miracles happened. I am now cancer-free! I have been blessed to share my story on numerous occasions, such as, at The Dream Center, Pastor William Murphy, at the Clayton County Relay for Life Walk as the guest speaker, at the National Coalition of 100 Black Women of Dekalb County’s Pink Ball, where I was recognized for my community efforts. Also spoke and recognized by the Atlanta Falcons during the Dazzle & Dine Pink Event, as well as, received the “Diamond of Hope” Award from the Atlanta Braves. Received the Community Award from the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority (Phi Tau Omega Chapter) Inc. Pearls of Vision Foundation and was a guest on the WAOK News & Talk Radio station with host Juandolyn Stokes. Shared my story and received the Women’s History Month Award from the Mayor of The City of Stockbridge for touching lives through my organization. I am grateful and pray that I’m blessed to be able to share my story on many more platforms, as I spread a word of Hope to someone who needs to hear it.
In Memory
In memory of my dear sweet mother, Audrey J. Moreland, who always stood by my side from day one of me starting Thriving and Surviving Breast Cancer Support Group Inc. She dropped everything and moved here to support me 10 years ago when I was diagnosed, and remained here until her recent passing in March 2021. She was a pillar of strength as the Vice President of this organization. She was diagnosed in 2018 and was a two-time Breast Cancer Survivor! She was a survivor of many things and a true Warrior until the end. She was relentless in advocating for those in the breast cancer community and for homeless individuals. She was a true servant of GOD and her legacy of giving back will forever live on, through me and this organization.