We Support You!
We are a hands-on group that supports in many ways. Everyone who is diagnosed should join a support group. I cannot imagine anyone trying to walk this journey alone. We make sure you don’t have to. We go above and beyond in our efforts to support, some of the ways are mentioned below. Our local support includes having quarterly meetings at Piedmont Henry Hospital in Stockbridge, GA, and we also have a Private Facebook page that anyone can request to join, to have 24/7 access to other survivors, doctors, nurses and caregivers. We also have a public Facebook page that gives general information.
We Support You!
We are a hands-on group that supports in many ways. Everyone who is diagnosed should join a support group. I cannot imagine anyone trying to walk this journey alone. We make sure you don’t have to. We go above and beyond in our efforts to support, some of the ways are mentioned below. Our local support includes having quarterly meetings at Piedmont Henry Hospital in Stockbridge, GA, and we also have a Private Facebook page that anyone can request to join, to have 24/7 access to other survivors, doctors, nurses and caregivers. We also have a public Facebook page that gives general information.
How We Support
During our meetings we have guest speakers who educate us on different topics. We have had Nutritionist, Health Coaches, Holistic experts, Life Coaches, Counselors, Personal Trainers, Make-up Artists, Oncologists, Beauty Experts, representatives from the American Cancer Society, Artists, Medical Supply specialists, Life Insurance reps and more.
We have set up multiple sessions to uplift and encourage these ladies and it is always a time of fun and laughter. In the past, we have had Artists come and conduct Therapeutic Art sessions, where everyone brought a pair of jeans and we painted breast cancer ribbons on the jeans and attached beautiful jewels and diamonds on them. We’ve had Therapeutic crochet sessions as well, where everyone made small breast cancer ribbons. We also have yearly Vision Board parties where we lean on Jeremiah 29:11, which focuses on our goals for our future. We take get-away weekend trips, one of which, we went to “The Holy Land” in Orlando and spent a weekend at the Embassy Suites, enjoyed great conversation, dinner, and relaxation. We also hosted a girls night out, here in Atlanta at the Perimeter Embassy Suites, where we stayed up all night talking about life during and after cancer. No one knows what a cancer patient deals with during or after treatment. It doesn’t end overnight, so its refreshing to get that emotional support from others who have already walked the same journey and made it. We also support the children of deceased breast cancer patients. We sponsor monthly outings for them and we make sure they have Christmas gifts every year.
We Fundraise to be able to donate to those in treatment who need help with food, gas, utilities, and co-pays. Prior to COVID, we would purchase and deliver food to those waiting for their loved ones in surgery. We deliver Care packages to stage 4 patients and anyone else in active treatment, that we are made aware of. The packages include blankets, candles, necklaces, breast cancer bracelets and pins, key chains, hand sanitizer, journals, calendars and gift cards. We also donate gift cards for food to the families of the deceased women, periodically throughout the year.
How We Support
During our meetings we have guest speakers who educate us on different topics. We have had Nutritionist, Health Coaches, Holistic experts, Life Coaches, Counselors, Personal Trainers, Make-up Artists, Oncologists, Beauty Experts, representatives from the American Cancer Society, Artists, Medical Supply specialists, Life Insurance reps and more.
We have set up multiple sessions to uplift and encourage these ladies and it is always a time of fun and laughter. In the past, we have had Artists come and conduct Therapeutic Art sessions, where everyone brought a pair of jeans and we painted breast cancer ribbons on the jeans and attached beautiful jewels and diamonds on them. We’ve had Therapeutic crochet sessions as well, where everyone made small breast cancer ribbons. We also have yearly Vision Board parties where we lean on Jeremiah 29:11, which focuses on our goals for our future. We take get-away weekend trips, one of which, we went to “The Holy Land” in Orlando and spent a weekend at the Embassy Suites, enjoyed great conversation, dinner, and relaxation. We also hosted a girls night out, here in Atlanta at the Perimeter Embassy Suites, where we stayed up all night talking about life during and after cancer. No one knows what a cancer patient deals with during or after treatment. It doesn’t end overnight, so its refreshing to get that emotional support from others who have already walked the same journey and made it. We also support the children of deceased breast cancer patients. We sponsor monthly outings for them and we make sure they have Christmas gifts every year.
We Fundraise to be able to donate to those in treatment who need help with food, gas, utilities, and co-pays. Prior to COVID, we would purchase and deliver food to those waiting for their loved ones in surgery. We deliver Care packages to stage 4 patients and anyone else in active treatment, that we are made aware of. The packages include blankets, candles, necklaces, breast cancer bracelets and pins, key chains, hand sanitizer, journals, calendars and gift cards. We also donate gift cards for food to the families of the deceased women, periodically throughout the year.